Community members learning about community environmental health may benefit from some of the organizations and resources listed below. Click here for more detailed information about how activities other than a health study can help achieve community goals

Community Needs Assessment
Protocol for Assessing Community Excellence in Environmental Health (PACE EH)
Pursuing Environmental Health Through Community Assessment
Example of how PACE EH is used by the local health department and other stakeholders in Florida.
Survey Tools
Data Center - Creating Surveys
Creating Surveys is a participatory research toolkit on how to do community surveys to support social justice campaigns. It includes information on all stages of the survey process – from deciding to do a survey to analyzing the information you gather.
Survey Monkey
Direct Action Organizing
Midwest Academy
Policy Advocacy
The Praxis Project
Media Advocacy
Getting Ready for Media Advocacy - A Praxis Project Brief
Media Advocacy Action Pack - The Marin Institute
California Endowment
California Wellness Foundation
The Environmental Protection Agency and Purdue University's Online Grant Writing Tutorial
The Environmental Protection Agency Grant Writing Tips